Sadly, these folks only focus on getting rid of your stuff and not maximizing the value of each item. The people they sell to turn around and resell it for much higher. I recommend avoiding Estate sale companies, but this one has every excuse in the book. Empty promises, used my property as storage and sold other people’s stuff at my home and got maybe 2% of the real value in the items sold. Meanwhile, they made a lot of money off selling other people’s stuff using my property without paying me for the storage. They delayed the sale so they could stock up more and more stuff. They said they would clean out the property, but left plates, dishes and other stuff in the house. Lastly, I had to force them to pay me, nearly a month after the money was due and 2 months after the sale was completed. Nothing but excuses. Avoid at all costs. Donate your stuff, or find someone who can take the time and sell it for market price.