African Printing Scam

Wow, months after the African Puppy Scam I get another one over the weekend. Started off with a simple email requesting a quote in print price… Hello Sir/Madam, My name is Rev James Hopper and i want to make an order of SOME FLYERS .I will like you to get back...

My Thoughts on Drupa 2008

Well, I’ve had some time to step away from the week long trip to Germany and the Drupa Print show. The trip was fun, and informational. Day 1 – Recovery from flight, stayed local, near the hotel. Cab driver from Airport spoke great English and knew more...

Best Online Speed Test I’ve Seen.

Want to test your up/down speed? Give this test a try. It’s the quickest I’ve ever used. read more | digg story Share this:FacebookTwitterTumblrLinkedInEmailPrintLike this:Like...