Introducing the IndiNexGen 4 Digital Press. Incorporating toner and ink in one full color plus up to 12 spot colors, including white, metallics and flouresents. The IndiNexGen 4 is capable of speeds in excess of 20,000 sheets per hour and can run any substrate from 10 lb bond to 24 point board stock. It’s maximum sheet size is unlimited due to a unique rollfeed and sheet feed dual head system which can stitch paper seamlessly together prior to entering the marking area. Finishing options are fully enabled in offline and online modes.
The IndiNexGen 4 is environmentally friendly with no waste as it is a completely closed loop system, recycling all byproduct back into the print process to produce the richest blacks and browns not available on other digital print devices. It does require a dedicated operator to run but is completely computer controlled with artifical intelligence to determine beyond spectrophotometry, what a color is supposed to look like. Instead of profiling the press, the IndiNexGen 4 is capable of profiling individual customers and apply those settings to each output.
It can take variable data from all sources, VIPP, VDX, PPML, HP SNAP, PDF, PS and any other language invented due to its universal “Babelfish” variable data package. Mainaintence is a snap using completely operator replacable units, including replacing the operator. It is powered by SPiDocuFierNexStaHarle DFE / RIP which can process any digital file and separate the ink from toner output plates and produce up to 16 color channels within seconds of the spooled file hitting the RIP.
Pricing has yet to be determined but the product will ship sometime in Q4 of some year, certain to block almost all other sales and overnight gain market share in the 80-90% range. Price per finished page will be less then all other devices today due to a unique pricing model in which the owner of the IndiNexGen 4 can buy all their clicks up front for up to 5 years and never pay another penny in support.
Manufacturing of the IndiNexGen 4 will happen on all 7 continents and due to its lightweight composite alloy material construction, can easily be shipped, overnight, to any customer. Questions or comments can be directed to this website. Stay tuned…
**Disclaimer** – Information regarding the IndiNexGen 4 can change at any time, any forward looking statements about the IndiNexGen 4 are provided without warrant or merit. Inability to understand sarcasm is not a failure on the part of this website to estiablish the validity of any information provided about the IndiNexGen 4. If you have gotten this far, you should really seek help, this is a disclaimer, so stop reading now.
Dear Patrick,
I saw your article about “Next Generation of Office Worker.”
I’d really like to know more about what you see…Who is in, and how old are, the folks that constitute, the “next gen?” Where are they working? How would you describe their education…their intellect…their creativity? What are their career ambitions? If you look at the shoulders of the generation they stand upon, what characterizes the prior generation?
If you’re open to it, I’d also like to show you why reading a page is better than reading a screen on a monitor.
F.Y.I. At age 53, I am sooooooo old that I don’t even qualify as “today’s” generation of office worker. I’m from ancient times. Nonetheless, I’m a very good reader and a very detail-oriented, analytical thinker.
More important, I am a citizen who is concerned that our “knowledge based” economy must factor in the effects of mistakes, misreads, misapprehensions, and miscommunications.
Reading on screen can contribute to lots of misreads. Reading too fast (on paper or on screen) can contribute to comprehension errors and mistakes.
My career has been founded on human interactions in which misapprehension and miscommunication created enormous interpersonal/commercial rifts.
I have learned that:
a. speed must yield to accuracy. Inaccuracy is the root of litigation and much social, economic, political, and environmental harm. Speed is nice, but it doesn’t compensate for the harms or the costs of inaccuracy. Accuracy is where the rubber meets the road.
b. we must say what we mean, including the details, so our communications will be fully understood.
c. we must mean what we say.
d. saying what we mean, and meaning what we say, is essence of credibility. No person, no company, no country, can flourish unless it is credible.
Presuming (without arguing) that this is true, the words we choose to say (on monitor or page) have an enormous impact on our audience. Read carefully, those words can either be interpreted as we intended or misconstrued as something else.
If the “today’s generation” of office worker is an “experiential” reader who needs to hold a piece of paper, read it, and think about its contents…so be it.
I’d love to know much more about the “next gen” office worker’s “antenna.” Please share how it is that the “next gen” worker can comprehend the contents, and fine points, of a written document…read on a monitor without benefit of a hard copy that can be studied and “digested.”
This Ancient Office Worker has a need to know. Can we talk offline?
Thanks for your aricle and the insight it provided.
Ok, I’m impressed with this comment, but a few things…
First, comments about posts should be placed under the actual article, not about articles completely unrelated about what you are talking about. Kind of confuses people…
Second, I think you are confused about my point. My main point is that the sellers of products are missing the next generation of office workers, and the gap that is created by technology and the lack of the current and “ancient” office workers ability to bridge that gap.
Case in point, kids growing up today will never open a yellow page book, let alone know what it is, they will go online and lookup whatever information they need. They will never know what a card catalog is at the library or maybe ever use a fax machine, let alone need to print out something because they have grown up with the new way of doing work. The only reason kids will need to use these output devices is to bridge the gap between the ancient ones and them.
I truely believe that your logic about the difference between something on paper versus something on screen is significantly flawed. You could make the same arguement that movable type vs hand copying by monks and that the constant repetitive output by Gutenberg’s printing press lost the “insight” and meaning behind the hand writings. This may be true, but you don’t see people avoiding printed works. Second, the fact that you typed this post, in a computer, people read it on screen and get the message, you certainly did, without printing it, says people, of any age can read on screen and get the meaning no different then a piece of paper. Sure it might be a bit inconvient if you don’t have the right technology to read it. But with web enabled cell phones, laptops, pda’s and tablet PC’s reading articles on the net without printing them is the norm. Look at companies like Zino and Google’s online book library as examples of how the online world is taking the written word and bringing it online. Take a look at companies like Audible that are taking books on tape and making the available to people over the internet and playing them through their ipods. Heck, you can even download text and ebooks to an ipod and read it on that. The fact of the matter is these electronic devices allow you to store every book you could ever want to read, documents and with internet connectivity allow access to anything thanks to projects like the gutenberg project to create ebooks of all the classics and much more in electronic formats.
The point is, the transition to electronic distribution of data is well underway, but it is generational and takes 3 generations to complete the transition. We are 1 and a half generations through this transition and the gap continues to widen. It’s how companies market their producs to the 2nd and eventually 3rd generations, the 20 somethings and teenagers today, that will determine the success of these companies in the future. Reference the newsweek front page article on the “Myspace” generation, I’d provide a link, but I’m sure you’d much rather go to the library and read it. Thus proving my point, the next generation of office workers will have all information immediately available at their fingertips in electronic format. Outputing it to paper or maintaining it in printed form will only slow down or stall this process. People like you will not make this transition because you are probably reading this after printing it out. The fact of the matter is my original article was written on my cell phone, using only my thumbs, during a presentation by a copier manufacturer and posted on the internet to my blog, without ever needing to print.
I’d love to chat with you more, but there is no need to take this offline, because the world I live in is constantly online, email, IM, blogs, internet, websites. The only time I go offline is to sleep and I’m not even part of the “next generation”.
So if you want to chat more, either post your response here, or email me at IM me at pstew21 on AOL, on MSN or Stuarttech on Yahoo. ICQ me at 3570510 or find me on google talk at I’m there and willing to chat, understand that whatever we say about this will be put on the site.
I want to try to answer your questions, and help bridge the gap emerging between the old and new, the previous generations and next generations and even all those in between.