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Install WordPress 2.6.3 on IIS 7 and Windows 2008

I tried installing WordPress 2.6.3 on my dev Windows 2008 server running IIS 7 and .Net 3.5sp1 and could not get it working. I went back to 2.6.0 of wordpress which installed just fine and then did the upgrade to 2.6.3 which worked. No idea why it didn’t...

WPF Dynamically Added Controls and Getting Values

Today’s challenge was fun. I had added a bunch of textboxes and labels to a Grid with 2 StackPanel in my code behind. StackPanel sp1 = new StackPanel(); StackPanel sp2 = new StackPanel(); Grid g = new Grid(); ColumnDefinition colDef1 = new ColumnDefinition...

Personalized Urls – PURLS

A big buzz word in the printing industry now is PURLS or personalized urls and their impact in direct response advertising. Many companies are offering PURLS as a service now and exposing printers to a tough choice, to implement PURLS or not. What are PURLS? The idea...